Latest Episodes
Fr. Altman: Independence Day
Fr. Altman recalls the freedom won for us by our nation's forefathers and the responsibly we have to defend this freedom for future generations.
Fr. Altman: Our Duty To Honor Our Mother Mary
In Jesus’ day, Jewish people understood the duties of offspring to parents. Catholics venerate Mary because she is the mother of God and she...
Fr. Altman: Do Good, Avoid Evil
Fr. James Altman expounds on the first reading for July 1, 2020 in which the prophet Amos exhorts people to do good and avoid...
Fr. Altman: Racism
Fr. Altman reflects on the truth regarding racism. Homily from 07/02/2020.
Fr. Echert: Fighting Back
Father Echert reflects on how close we all came to losing the Mass in Minnesota just as most Catholics have lost the Mass in...
Fr. Altman: Hold Fast To The One True Faith
Fr. James Altman speaks about challenges perpetrated on the faith over the past 50 years and why Catholics must hold fast to the one...