Fr. Lampe reflects upon John's gospel reading in which Jesus prays that His Father will protect his sheep from the Evil One, consecrating them in the Truth. He discusses Jesus' prediction that wolves would come into the flock of Christians and mislead them. God is Truth - if we want to know Him, we must know the Truth. When shepherds preach a message that contradicts the Truth, we must be aware of the threat they pose to the flock.
Fr. Mark Goring reflects upon the prophecy of Fr. Stefano Gobbi (1930-2011) dealing with the great chastisement foretold by scripture.
Fr. Edward Meeks discusses the Church's teaching on the real presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. A 2019 Pew Research poll showed 70%...
Fr. Altman shares that some people have expressed concern about Fr. Altman's criticism of their "sacred cows." Homily from 07/20/2020.