Fr. Altman talks about cities across the nation have descended into chaos with the riots and violence. Shepherds in the hierarchy have largely remained silent about the civil unrest. Fr. Altman introduces a new life lesson: there are no footnotes on the 10 Commandments. He also comments on Archbishop Wilton Gregory's chastisement of President Trump for visiting the John Paul II shrine.
Fr. Richard Heilman of St. Mary of Pine Bluff delivered this homily on April 19, 2023 warning believers not to be lukewarm in their...
Fr. Altman compares Ezekiel's warning to the proud people of Tyre to the faith exhibited by the Canaanite woman. Homily from 08/18/2020.
Father Michael O'Connor reflects upon the question posed by Jesus in today's Gospel: "When the Son of Man returns, will He find faith on...